I have not been having any luck with the email postings it seems...
So, I will attempt to rewrite my post from yesterday.
This past week has been a hectic one. The week before was Homecoming which took a lot out of me to begin with and then this was the week before Christmas vacation when all kids go nut-so. LOL. :)
It isn't really that I did THAT much out of the ordinary. On Wednesday I had a parent conference after school and then went to JoAnn's Fabrics to pick up something to encase the truffles I was about to make that evening for the other World languages ladies. I got to work on them probably around 6 or so but then I failed to notice that I had to wait for them to chill and so before I knew it, it was 9 and things weren't ready and I was exhausted and off to bed I went.
Thursday, I decided to do a craft with my kids. I read them an abbreviated version of the "legend of the poinsettia" (Mexican folklore) and then we made construction paper poinsettias. Of course, the kids loved it, and I was utterly exhausted when the day was over. BUT, I started a tradition my first year here and they all expect it now, so I had much more to do this evening. I came home from school, exhausted as I said, so I had a nap until about 6. Then I got up, and proceeded to bake, frost, and decorate 150 cupcakes for the kiddos. I finished around 11ish and realized I still didn't finish the gifts for the WL ladies...I decided they would have to understand and I gave them the other half of their gift not even decorated (tea/hot chocolate mixes I made and put in jars).
Friday, I barely even woke up when the alarm went off I was so exhausted. But, I dragged myself out of bed, strapped the many tins into the car (buckled them in so they wouldn't tip), and headed to school to set up for our fiesta. Again, the kids loved it, and I was dead to the world by the time the last bell rang. As always, most kids appreciated the cupcakes that I made for them with a couple knuckleheads who complain they only get one...
I got two gifts and a card from students on Friday. In high school, it is rare to get gifts from your students, so they are all that more special.
I was very good about treats, I had NO cupcakes, and only one little piece of some oatmeal/caramel bar thing that a student brought. I was very impressed.
So, Friday night there were many things I SHOULD have done, but again, was too tired.
Saturday morning, I got up at 9 (I had slept 12 hours!!!), had a quick breakfast and then headed over to my aunt's. I had received free tickets for Handel's Messiah and my aunt, cousin Cheryl and I headed down to Benaroya Hall for a marvelous performance. It really was great, and as my aunt said, I wish they had sang the Hallelujah chorus again, it was that moving!
So, you see, it has been a very busy week, and I have STILL not done hardly anything on my list that MUST be done before I leave tomorrow morning to visit my parents for 10 days....I did, however, finally figure out (I think) why I am so exhausted these past couple weeks. (of course, if it had been at ALL possible, I would have thought I was pregnant!) When I got my new blood pressure meds, the pharmacist told me one of the side effects was making you tired. It had better improve as you adjust to the meds, cause I can't live like this...I literally feel dead to the world all the time.....
Anyway, since I can't seem to figure out how to email posts, I likely won't be posting again until the 29th...have a merry Christmas all my wonderful blogging friends!:)