A Single Woman's Journey To Motherhood


Location: Washington, United States

I began my TTC journey in January 2005. It finally worked with the 5th IUI and along came Eliana! I started trying for a second (T42) a little over a year later, and was thrilled to get pregnant on the second try this time. Jacob soon joined our family! Not sure if I am done at two, but come along for my journey in motherhood. If you stop by, please leave me a short note! I like to know when I have visitors. :)

Sunday, November 30, 2008


Originally uploaded by kajohn345


Originally uploaded by kajohn345

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

christmas 2008 056

christmas 2008 056
Originally uploaded by kajohn345
We were trying to get this...

christmas 2008 061

christmas 2008 061
Originally uploaded by kajohn345
And got this!

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Is this one orange?

LOL. My daughter just woke up as I am getting ready for work, comes out of her room, walks up to me and says,

Ellie: Is this one orange? (pointing to the binky in her mouth)
me: Yes.
Ellie: OK

And heads back to her room.


Friday, November 14, 2008

6 months!

Can you believe it? Jacob is already 6 months (and one week!) old! It has just flown by.

He is such a happy baby. Loves to smile and laugh and is just so engaging. He had a very rough start, but you would never know it now! He is rolling both ways, can sit up assisted great, and unassisted for about 1 minute before doing a face plant. He babbles and drools like a maniac LOL. And he LOVES LOVES LOVES his food. Yep, that is right. We start solids around 5 months at the suggestion from the ped for his spitting up and enormous appetite, and he has not looked back. So far, Jacob has had (all homemade) butternut squash, carrots, green beans, peas, bananas, apples and pears as well as all the types of boxed baby cereals. He tolerates the green beans and craves the fruits.

We had hi 6 month appointment yesterday. I asked about his eating because Jacob cries when the food is finished and cries again when you give him a bottle. I know that milk (well, formula or breastmilk) is the most important thing still so I wanted to be sure he was OK. The ped said if he wants more food, give it to him. We already doing 2 cubes of baby food twice a day and we have been given the green light for three meals a day of how ever many cubes he wants. Just to be sure he gets a minimum of 24 oz a day of milk. Eliana never had more than 2 cubes so this is such new territory for me!

But, finally, the best news of all. Jacob is growing like crazy! At his 4 month appointment he was only the 4th percentile for height, this time at his 6 month appointment he has sprouted up to 30th! WTG, Jacob! As for weight, it has remained pretty much the same 18% at 4 months, 17% now.

I am so proud of my little guy. :)


Laundry is done

As are the dishes, and that is just about it. I left off of my list the other important thing to do today and that is to upload all my pics to shutterfly in order to order prints and create a calendar for family members. That is just about done now...says about 20 minutes left. Unfortunately, I won;t have time to get the calendar ready today, but maybe one night after the kids go to bed I will be lucky enough to have time.

The thing that really needed done today was tidying up the computer room (where my parents will stay when they get here on the 17th). Of course I haven;t even begun there. :(

Anyway, I have enjoyed a day off. I didn't get my nap, I didn't get much done, but I worked for about 15 minutes every 30 minutes or so LOL, and did get a FEW things done. Will start another post to give Jacob's 6 month stats (his appointment was yesterday).

Work day

Today is a work day. I took the day off for a dentist appointment and have great hopes of what I will do today. Of course, I always have more that I want to do than I can do, but so far, I have cleaned the freezer, bought the Christmas turkey for 29cents/pound, done one load of laundry, ordered $150 of stickers (I jest not, was very low in my sticker supply of smelly stickers and Spanish stickers..) as well as 3 new videos for the classroom, packed my shoebox for Operation Christmas Child that I need for MOPS tonight, and of course got my 2 fillings.

Left to do:
more laundry
load dishwasher
clean out computer room/extra bedroom
make applesauce for Jacob
organize my bedroom
and much more but if I even get the first three done on the list I will be impressed. :)

Of course, I had visions of a nap today, but I suspect that won;t be happening...if only I could have 2 or 3 workdays with kids at the sitters and no work...I may actually accomplish something!