Perinatologist appointment
Anyway, so I got to the 4th floor and was so lost...I sure hope that all Maternity patients take a tour before they come to deliver! LOL. There were no signs to get to admitting but eventually I must have looked so pathetic that someone came up and asked me if I was lost. I found admitting and then the nurses station and all was well.
I went in for my ultrasound. This was my first abdominal ultrasound and they hadn't told me to drink a lot of water beforehand or anything, so I had assumed it would have been an internal. But, it seemed to work out OK for the sonographer. I couldn't make out very much, it wasn't near as easy to see the baby for me, but he was able to do what he needed to do. The baby was right on target measuring at 11w3d which is exactly what I am, so I was happy. The heart rate was 167 which also seemed good. He was happy and I went back to the waiting room for the perinatologist.
I waited quite a long time for that appointment, about 30 minutes or so, but eventually she came and got me. We went over my blood workup for clotting disorders and she agreed that she thinks my clotting incident 10 years ago was just a freak thing brought on by circumstance. No need for Heparin, yeah!
We talked about the switch in my diabetes meds and I asked her about the switch to glyburide that my OB wants to do on Friday. She disagreed and said that the "standard" protocol at the specialty maternal diabetes clinic is to use a combo of Metformin and insulin. I say "standard" because it is not at all standard, but really rather experimental. What she explained, though, to ME made sense. She said the Metformin helps the insulin resistance so that I can accept and use properly the insulin. The glyburide on the other hand makes you produce more insulin, but doesn't address the issue of my insulin resistance. We decided I would go back to testing 6 times a day, fax her the numbers on Thursday afternoon and she would consult with the head doctor of the maternal diabetes clinic and call me OB with their recommendation in time for my appointment on Friday.
My own take, from what I have read, is that insulin is definitely going to be the best way to go. However, she said they like to admit you (to the hospital) for a couple days while you learn to adjust your insulin...she did mention she would look into the possibility of doing that on a weekend...
As for the blood pressure, it was high today at 132/76 which was just not good. It has her concerned about my pressure and wants to watch it with my OB and possibly change medications or increase my dosage (but I am already on a rather high dosage).
I should expect to see this doctor at least monthly if we are able to monitor the diabetes by fax instead of going into the clinic every two weeks and then every week in the last trimester. I was able to set my next three appointments, all at 3 pm which was wonderful! So I now have the date of the big all important ultrasound...confirmation of gender should happen (unless baby doesn't cooperate) on October 17th. That date can't get here fast enough!
ETA: I am sorry to disappoint you all, but I did not get an ultrasound picture this time :( I assume it is because it was so hard to see anything that way.