On Monday, I met with the diabetes nurse. She taught me how to inject insulin, if it should come to that. She asked me, "do you want to try it now with saline?", and I just looked at her and said, "no. Does ANYONE
want to stick themselves with a needle?". Of course, I did try and it took me three attempts before I could actually get myself to let the needle pierce my skin. It barely hurts...a gazillion times less than when I test my blood sugar. The weird thing is they like you to do it in your belly, and I know once the baby gets bigger, that is really going to freak me out. Other things we talked about were what to do if you are sick (my HMO actually supplies "sick kits" for diabetics with things like gatorade and other things...), getting a medical alert bracelet, and ketones (protein I think? found in urine...not a good thing apparently, means the body isn't getting enough nutrition) which I now have to test every morning. The nurse commented that she didn't think I needed insulin at night...so hopefully that will be the case. I also got results from my labs that I took on Saturday...and it was all great news, my A1C was fantastic (5.3!) and my cholesterol was down/up in the right places, all within normal range.
On Wednesday, I met with the nutritionist. It was a different lady than I met in January. We went over meal by meal what I have been eating, looking at my blood sugar results one hour after eating them and discussed changes. The nurse had told me that my snacks were supposed to be bread and protein, and no fruit, however, the dietician decided since I had been eating fruit and my numbers were good, that I could continue having fruit for my snacks, which was reassuring (the thought of a half sandwich at 8:30 am makes me nauseous..LOL). In all she was pretty happy with what I was eating and my numbers, except for breakfast. She really wants me to add more protein into breakfast. This is never a problem on the weekends when I always have eggs, but during the school week I just never feel like getting up any earlier to take the time to cook anything...cereal is so fast, filling (for me), and delicious. I am trying though, and had toast with peanut butter on Thursday and noticed that my numbers after breakfast were much MUCH better...I forgot (yes, I really did...I am so tired in the mornings and cereal is just so automatic...) on Friday. She wants to follow-up with me, by phone, next Friday.
And, on Thursday I saw my OB. I have really come to realize that I don't think she is the right OB for me. The very first time I saw her, I remember asking her something (I wish I could remember what it was...) and I remember her response clear as day, "And what do you want ME to do about it?". When it just happened that one time, I figured she was having a bad day and let it go...but she continues to be curt and I just am very unhappy.
This week, I asked her about the letter I had received from my HMO on Monday that stated that my referral to see a specialist had been approved. It was unclear what specialist this was, whether it was the diabetes people that I cancelled last week or the perinatologist or someone else. When I asked her, she told me, "I don't know. I don't do paperwork." I told her, "but it came from you" and showed her her name at the top as the doctor referring me. Again, she told me, "I don't know. I don't do paperwork." Then I tried to explain why I was concerned, that it said it was only for three visits, and if this is the perinatologist, this just wouldn't do since they wanted to see me monthly. Again she told me, "I don't know. You will have to ask my staff." But her "staff" was not her real staff...her nurse has left this practice and in the meantime they have a temp (she actually told me so when she came in to take my blood pressure..which was wonderful, by the way!). She also told me that the perinatologist will have to deal with it (if indeed it was even for her!), which seems a little odd as usually the person you are referred to is not the one who assures you are covered...
The other thing that really bothered me about this appointment was my referral from the perinatologist. Last time I had seen her, I had told her everything that was said, but she didn't want to do anything until she had it in writing (as if I would lie!). So, she goes down the list of concerns, stating exactly what I had told her as detailed in the letter she had apparently just received. I suppose that is not the end of the world...but what really got to me was the diabetes stuff. So, she asks me about my blood sugar numbers, I show her my book, and she tells me, "well, let's wait and see what the perinatologist says." H-E-L-L-O!!! The perinatologist said TWO WEEKS AGO to start insulin at night. While I may not agree that it is necessary, the perinatologist HAS already spoken. So now I am waiting another week and a half until I see her (the peri). I really hope that these FOUR WEEKS from the time she told me to start insulin have not caused damage to my baby...
One thing I learned that I don't think I was told at my appointment with the perinatologist last time, is that I need to have some special consultation (in Seattle) at the university hospital between weeks 14-16. I am in week 14, and the temp nurse was supposed to set up that appointment, today. I have not heard from her...
Finally, there was one very wonderful and positive thing about my appointment. I got to hear the heartbeat for the first time!! :) At first I was getting worried as she didn't find it right away, but then just as I was saying something she said, "I think we were just kicked!" how cool! And then soon after she found the heartbeat. A beautiful 165 bpm. :)
I am taking this weekend (well, tomorrow really since I leave for leadership retreat with the kids Sunday morning until Monday afternoon) to figure out what to do about my OB. I feel strange changing, but on the other hand, I am just not happy. My choices are: stay with her and grin and bear it..it is only another 6 months, change to another OB at that same clinic, go to an OB in Seattle (30-40 minutes away on a GOOD traffic day, an hour back in the afternoon). If you made it this far (I know it is a long post), do you have any thoughts?