Cruel Hopes part 2
I left Saturday morning after my dentist appointment and was pleasantly surprised to make it all the way and arrive around 1 am. Unfortunately, my parents had locked the door, gone to bed, and the doorbell doesn't work at their new I had to go find a phone to wake them up and let me in.
I wasn't really expecting them to wake up other than to let me in, but we headed down to the living room to visit a bit. One of the first things my mom tells me is that my aunt had called that evening. At the funeral for a relative that day, my aunt learned of another young relative of mine (not as young as the first...this one is around 24) who had just had a baby five days before. She wasn't sure if she wanted the baby and left it at the hospital....
Again, very poor timing to tell me. I was exhausted from the 15 hour drive and wanted nothing more than a nice long sleep...I ended up sleeping maybe 2-3 hours.
Sunday my mom and I talked about it a bit, but we didn't really follow up on it...I wasn't sure what to do really. So, Monday morning, my mom and I finally call my aunt. She tells us the few details she knows and tells us to call V, the great-grandmother of the first baby. We call V and get the story.....supposedly K (not me...the relative who had this second baby) didn't know she was pregnant (?!) until her water broke. She hadn't had time to adjust to the idea of a baby and didn't know what to do so supposedly left it at the hospital while she decided.....At the end of the call V tells us we should call K's mom...I have never met K or her at that point, I decided it was just too weird to call family you don't really know and say "hey, I'll take your baby"
So that was that. We haven't heard anything else...
I spent about 2 days not sleeping well thinking about this baby. I was actually more hopefully with this one as it sounded more promising....
Anyway, I have decided that I have about a month before the fall quarter starts at university, so I need to work on the baby nursery....And I may want to think about getting my home study ready in case something like this comes up again since I have no idea what would happen if a family member wanted to give me a baby but I didn't have the home study...
I had a decent time in Alberta. I went through a gazillion boxes of things from my childhood that I had to sort and take with me or give away. I ended up taking very very little, in fact I mostly just took two boxes of toys for Baby. I did however take the accordion...hahah my parents couldn't understand why I would want the accordion.....I have pictures of why....beautiful pictures of me in a tie die shirt under a strawberry shortcake sleeping bag and Ryan with crimped hair playing the accordion....
Well, that's about it for now...I am still trying to catch up my email and the blogs I frequent. Oh, I wasn't able to maintain my 12.5...but I am not devastated, I only gained 2 pounds and that isn't the end of the world...especially since I think I could count on one hand the amount of servings of vegetables I had the entire trip (other than my drive there in which I filled up on peas and apples..) I had to bite my tongue not to say something to my mom about how I couldn't believe that I actually have been eating more vegetables than her! (anyone who knows what a picky eater I used to be would understand..)