A Single Woman's Journey To Motherhood


Location: Washington, United States

I began my TTC journey in January 2005. It finally worked with the 5th IUI and along came Eliana! I started trying for a second (T42) a little over a year later, and was thrilled to get pregnant on the second try this time. Jacob soon joined our family! Not sure if I am done at two, but come along for my journey in motherhood. If you stop by, please leave me a short note! I like to know when I have visitors. :)

Saturday, February 25, 2006

My last prenatal class

I am off to my last prenatal class..infant CPR. After this class, and hopefully after my parents arrive tomorrow or Monday, I am ready for the baby to come at any time. :)

After class today, I need to stop by the pharmacy to pick up another bottle of insulin and perhaps fight with them about it as I see it has not yet been approved, but I do not have enough for even my pm dose today. Then, I am off to Dinner's Ready to pick up my dinners. I opted to pay an extra 20 dollars and have them prepare it all for me as I wasn't sure when I ordered whether I would be up to being on my feet putting the meals together for 2 or more hours.

For those who asked, my NST on Thursday went very well, and I have no more doctor appointments until my next NST Tuesday afternoon. So, I should be fine to finish these last two work days (Monday and Tuesday) unless I go into labour. Not looking like it is happening too soon...no more labour signs, but I have been taking my Evening Primrose Oil diligently. Going to start trying the red raspberry leaf tea this weekend, too. And once I am no longer working, I will try and get out and do so walking...probably mall walking because it has been SOO cold here. I am doing everything in my power to get her to come on her own! LOL

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Back to work

Yay! I am going back to back tomorrow for these last four days before I am officially on maternity leave. Blood pressure at the OBs office was 142/80something (84 I think...), toxemia labs taken yesterday were good. No last minute scheduled induction today, woohoo!

I have my second NST appointment of the week tomorrow afternoon and hope that my blood pressure remains down so that I don't have to see any more doctors/nurses until next Tuesday's NST. Next week could be it! I have an NST Tuesday, OB wed, perinatologist and ultrasound Thursday and NST Friday, which happens to be 38w0d so I suspect around that time we are going to start talking about dates for the induction (although when I asked the OB about it today he said they don't need to schedule them in advance...hmm...I would rather know than be surprised!).

One more piece of good news today: I lost a tiny part of my mucous plug! I wish perhaps that it was a bit more, but I don't want labour until next week anyway...Losing even a little means that there is probably SOME cervical change going on right now and when walking around Kmart this afternoon, I definitely had a couple contractions (real or Braxton Hicks, I have no idea...), so maybe, just MAYBE I will be able to jumpstart labour before they induce me.

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

NST update

So, the NST itself went well. The baby's heart was accelerating nicely when it moved and they were pretty happy. She had a few dips here and there as always, but they weren't concerned enough about those.

However, my blood pressure was high 150s/90s for the first two readings and then 140s/80s for the last two and so I have been put on modified bed rest (no work, but I am to get up and move around every now and then because I have a history of blood clots) for tomorrow. I go back to see my OB (it was just the on call OB at the NST) tomorrow to reevaluate. Hopefully, he will take me off bedrest, but if not, that is not the end of the world. I was scheduled to start mat leave next Wed, so one week won't kill me. I just hope they don't induce me earlier, a possibility the on call doctor brought up if my BP doesnt come down or my 24 hour urine I am to do tomorrow is not good...

36 week OB visit

Back from the OB. I had my 36w4d visit today..not very satisfying. I had a bunch of questions I wanted to ask (for the first time really, so it's not like I am ALWAYS asking a million questions), but was only able to get one out before he was gone. I had the group B strep test. He went over my meds, I asked about inductions and we had a brief discussion about it, then he was gone.

Induction: usually 2 weeks before the due date..which is....NEXT FRIDAY?! But, he didn't schedule it today and I don't seem him again until next Wednesday, so likely it will be early in the following week. If I don't go earlier that is...and that could be either because I start labour naturally before (not too likely) or that at one of my NSTs they decide they need to deliver then (a possibility..but last week makes me think maybe not..)

Why? Because of the combination of diabetes and high blood pressure which increases the risk of stillbirth the closer you get to your due date...yikes!

Should I be concerned about the fact that baby gained under a pound in one month: Yes. Could be placental deterioration and means that it may be better to get baby out..

Finally, what can I do to help things along and possibly avoid induction? nipple stiumulation. (strange..because I have heard and read that that was mostly an old wives tale, not very effective and can just cause unnecessary pain...)

I was not too thrilled with the visit, but glad that at least the induction questions were answered. There were other questions I wanted to ask, such as insulin/food during labour as well as what will happen after labour regarding my insulin and who will monitor that, and his view on cord blood banking (which I think if this baby could be here as early as next Friday, I just am too late to do..), and of course at least have him LOOK at my swollen feet which hurt to squeeze into shoes these days...

I did remember to at least ask the nurse about the anesthesiologist because they were supposed to call me a month ago, but never did...

NST this afternoon...hopefully it goes as well as last week's!

Saturday, February 18, 2006

Long, but good, week plus cord blood banking dilemma

After I got my car back that is. :)

Tuesday my NST went well. The nurse was so kind not to put me on the semi-incline to my left side that I despise so much and even brought me in a carton of milk. I am convinced that the combination (my comfort and the milk to both fill my tummy after a long school day and to get the baby moving) were just what I needed to have a great NST. Baby moved well, heart accelerated, and they didn't have to buzz her or anything. Lasted about 45minutes-1 hour.

Wednesday, I saw the perinatologist and had a growth ultrasound. Baby girl is estimated at 5 pounds 6 ounces at the moment, a little below average for her gestational age. Her belly is also a little below average and measured around 33weeks when in actuality I was 35w5d. Unfortunately for me (no harm to her!), her head circumference is measuring a little ahead at 37weeks. Oh well...what's a little tear right LOL. The peri was quite happy with the ultrasound results, and with my blood pressure. Not so happy with my blood sugars which have been on the rise again...I told him that I was not so happy with the control I get on all insulin, that I had much better control with the pills and insulin, but he would not agree. Oh well. He told me that I would have an induction, most likely in my 39th week. I am curious to see what the OB says when I see him next, I am going to try and remember to ask about that, especially given the fact that my OB is leaving on vacation during my 39th week...I have one last growth ultrasound scheduled for 37w6d, if I don't deliver before then (also a comment from the peri).

Thursday I had another NST. This was the best one yet! In and out within 40 minutes! And once again I convinced the nurse to not put me in the torturous slightly lifted side position. Baby performed beautifully with lots and lots of accelerations associated with her movements, and there was no question about keeping me longer that day.

I also had three classes this week: baby basics (very very basic...not too much I didn't know), my last childbirth class where we covered cesarean delivery which reaffirmed to me that I do NOT want a c-section if possible, and feeding your baby class, very informative.

Now here I am on the first day of four days home! and a long, long list of things I hope to accomplish. Of course, it is 1pm and I have yet to do one thing on my list...hmm...

The first thing I am trying to accomplish (from my list) is choosing and enrolling in a cord blood banking program. But everytime I think I have it figured out, I find something else to wonder about. For example, should I go with a cheaper bank just because it is cheaper? How do I know which bank is better? What about how they store the vials: one cryobag or muliple cryo-vials? It seems to me that the multiple vials makes better sense, but what do I know? Do I do a yearly storage payment plan or the 20 year storage package plans?

Here are the banks I am considering right now:

New England Cord Blood Bank
Chicago Stem Cell Bank

Cryo-cell stores in bags. NECBB stores in vials. Chicago Stem Cell Bank supposedly stores in both, but how can that be unless you have more blood? Cheapest is toss up between Cryo-cell (because I can get a coupon from someone) and Chicago Stem Cell Bank, but this latter bank will end up being cheaper because yearly storage is cheaper..NECBB has a more professional looking website to me out of all of them, which makes me want to trust them more...I don't know. HELP?!

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

I've been tagged...

doubly tagged actually. By Laura and Carolyn. I guess I really can't pretend I haven't seen it when it was on both your blogs! LOL :)

1.What were you doing 10 years ago?
Chatting on the phone with Habib with whom I was madly obsessed. :)

2.What were you doing 1 year ago?
Doing homework for a class for either my ESL certification or my M.Ed.

3. Five snacks you enjoy:
Snickers (they were on sale this week and I could NOT resist! LOL), sunchips, popcorn, homemade cookies, apples with peanut butter

4. Five songs to which you know all the lyrics:
Only 5? LOL. Years ago I was known as the walking songbook LOL. Hmm..just about any song from Rent or Phantom of the Opera or Les Miserables or many more musicals, all the words to all the songs of West Side Story, 100s of Girl Guide songs, 90% of the praise and worship songs that I hear on the radio..much much more..I love to sing. :)

5. Five bad habits:
I am Queen of Procrastination, putting dirty dishes in the sink as opposed to the dishwasher, waiting until there are no more dishes (plates, cups, you pick) before doing the dishes, impulsive book buying, staying up too late on weeknights and never feeling rested when I get up at 5 am (especially lately!)

6. Five things you like doing:
travel, knit, sing, visiting with friends over coffee, board games

7. Five things you would never wear, buy or get again:
short skirts (that would be anything above midcalf LOL), Dove shampoo, I don't know...LOL

8. Five favorite toys:
my piano, my books, my music, my board games, my computer games

9. Five people I want tagged…
Oh geez...hmm, Debbie, Gidgit, Michelle, Monica, Jen


Originally uploaded by kajohn345.
Well, colour me surprised this morning. I had heard that there may be snow later this week, but I wasn't expecting it this morning! LOL. It really isn't very much if you look at the accumulation here...but apparently it is enough to warrant a late start in my school district! LOL

Snow! 2

Snow! 001
Originally uploaded by kajohn345.
Spaz very tentatively checking out the snow.

Saturday, February 11, 2006

All whine...no cheese

I have a few whines for the day.

The biggest one being that my car is having problems, yet again. This time it is a strange problem, in fact a "minor" problem I suppose, but I suspect it will cost lots of money regardless. Yesterday, when driving home from my second NST of the week (some decelerations as always, but not enough to worry them too much apparently..they only kept me for 1.5 hours), I stopped at Safeway. When I got out of the car, I noticed that the remote lock didn't work. I manually locked the car and went in, came out, manually unlocked the car. A pain, yes, but not a HUGE deal. Today, I went to take the hospital tour and when I returned to my car, my key would not turn very easily in the door, eventually, though, it did open. After the tour, I went out for lunch with a woman due a week before me that I met on a Due in March board and with whom we have been discussing the possibility of sharing a nanny. When I went back to my car (which I had manually locked), I could NOT get the key to turn for the life of me. I got in the car and leaned over from the passenger side, and STILL could not get the car to unlock. I tried for a good 5 minutes or so and then had her drive me to Ford. The man was unpleasant and not very helpful or hopeful about getting it fixed today, but told me I could get it towed there. I called AAA, got it towed, and then had to rent a car. You see, I am big to begin with, but with a 35 week pregnant belly, the thought of crawling over the gear shift to get both in and out of my car makes me want to vomit..LOL. I fear it will cost me mucho bucks and once again I am kicking myself for not buying a new car last year as I had considered...

Whine number 2. My feet are swollen. This probably comes as no surprise to most women who have been pregnant, but I have been so lucky during this pregnancy, no nausea, no horrible aches or pains I can't live with, no swelling. Alas, it has caught up with me. I noticed last night that my ankles were swollen, but today it is my feet and my ankles. I am not sure whether to be concerned or not. I mean, yesterday my blood pressure was EXCELLENT at the NST and swelling during pregnancy is normal...but what about rather sudden swelling? I can still get my shoes on, but they are uncomfortably tight...I have sat around a lot this afternoon/evening with my legs up since getting home from the car fiasco...Oh well, I see the perinatologist on Wed, I think I can hold out until then. But if it gets worse, I will at least call triage tomorrow or the OB Monday morning.

Whine number 3. My ankle hurts. LOL. I have no idea why! I did not twiset it as far as I know, but that is what it kinda feels like...I wonder if it is related to the swelling? (It is just my left ankle by the way that hurts..both ankles/feet are swollen).

Well, if you made it this far, thanks for listening. Next week will keep me quite busy so I may not get a chance to blog at all. I have three classes next week (the last week of my childbirth class, taking care of your newborn class, feeding your baby class), two NSTs, one perinatologist appointment, and an appointment with my tax person...all happening after working the full day. Plus now I will have to find time to go and pick up my car and pay megabucks I suspect at one point this week (let's pray it is this week and not like the whole fiasco last year!!!)

Off to continue nesting: washing baby clothes, packing baby suitcase and my suitcase, maybe do some good old housecleaning (who am I kidding?), addressing the thank you cards, etc...

Thursday, February 09, 2006

Nursery 002

Nursery 002
Originally uploaded by kajohn345.

Nursery 005

Nursery 005
Originally uploaded by kajohn345.

Nursery 015

Nursery 015
Originally uploaded by kajohn345.

Nursery 012

Nursery 012
Originally uploaded by kajohn345.

Nursery 004

Nursery 004
Originally uploaded by kajohn345.

Nursery 001

Nursery 001
Originally uploaded by kajohn345.

Nursery 013

Nursery 013
Originally uploaded by kajohn345.
So many toys!

Nursery 008

Nursery 008
Originally uploaded by kajohn345.

Nursery 007

Nursery 007
Originally uploaded by kajohn345.
So many clothes! These are just the outfits that are hanging in the closet. See other pictures to see all the 0-12 month clothes in the dresser!

Nursery 009

Nursery 009
Originally uploaded by kajohn345.

Nursery 011

Nursery 011
Originally uploaded by kajohn345.

Nursery 010

Nursery 010
Originally uploaded by kajohn345.

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

For once, things were good...

Yes, today I had an NST again...and it went well! YAY! Of course, they did have to buzz her to get her heart to accelerate the way they wanted, but still...at least there didn't appear to be any significant decelerations or concerns and the whole appointment lasted only about 40 minutes for once.

Now, I can not begin to tell you how utterly amazed I was at my showers. I received so many beautiful things. I didn't take the digital camera with me, so you all will have to wait for me to get my act together and take the film in to get developed..and then for me to finally hook up the new printer/scanner/fax that I bought in the SUMMER, to see pictures from the shower. In the meantime, I will try and get some pictures of the nursery this weekend as my mom and I spent lots of time sorting the clothes by sizes and putting them away in the dresser, setting up the crib mattress, sheets, mobile, lamp, some toys, etc. Most of which were shower gifts...

This little girl is so blessed already! I have had two great showers, one at my aunt's with family and family friends, one at work, and I still have another one on Sunday with my local SMC group!

Sorry for the short post, but very tired today...mom went home this afternoon until March...

Saturday, February 04, 2006

Very stressful non-stress test #3...

I had my second NST for this week at the hospital yesterday. For a NONstress test, they sure make it pretty stressful. My appointment was for 3, and we got in about 10 minutes early, so I was really excited at first...But we didn't get out until 5:45! Almost three hours!!! The nurse was really nice all the time and never told us anything to make us worry for the first hour and a half, but I was starting to wonder why we were still there. Finally, she said she wanted to get another opinion to see "if we can send you home"...All I heard was "IF". LOL. Eventually, they decided they wanted to send me for another ultrasound to check on my amniotic fluid levels and a biophysical profile. The sonographer didn't know what they were stressing about, thankfully, so I ended up being released after that.

According to the sonographer the problem could be that my little girl is squeezing or chomping on (chomping on?!) her umbilicial cord...I am not so convinced since it happens so frequently (this deceleration of her heartrate) and has happened at all 3 tests....

Anyway, it was pretty scary and definitely made it clear to me that she could come anytime now!!