such a difference one little pill makes in my emotional stability. For the past couple of weeks, I have been getting increasingly depressed and unstable, mostly in the late afternoons and early evenings. Last night was the worst of all, to the point that I honestly didn't think I could handle anything and called a fellow teacher to come over and watch Ellie.
Luckily, yesterday I had the foresight that something was just not right and I made an appointment with my doctor this morning. We determined that it could possibly be due to the Reglan I was taking to help my milk supply.
I decided that since the Reglan really hadn't increased my milk supply very much, it just wasn't worth it. I certainly couldn't handle feeling like I did last night on a regular basis. So, I quit the Reglan.
And, tonight, I feel so wonderful! I am happy, I am awake past 8:00 pm, I have happy feelings toward my daughter instead of the totally emotionless feelings that I have had in the afternoon/evening the past few days. I did have a brief "sad" portion of the evening, but it was over with quickly, and it was NOWHERE near where I was last night.
Since I stopped that medication, I called lactation one last time to see if there were anything else I could do. There is a medication that is not approved in the US (But is approved in Canada..) that I would like to try. However, I am not too sure how I would go about getting a prescription in Canada and my mother is very leery of it because she googled it (yes! my mother has definitely discovered google! LOL) and it may cause your heart to race.. LOL. I say, no depression, let's do it since I have heard great things from women who have taken it...but we will see. Also, I emailed my doctor (on the advice of the lactation consultant) to investigate increasing my Synthroid (thyroid medication) and my Metformin (diabetic medication..I also take it for my PCOS), and possibly finding a replacement for my diuretic or just getting rid of it while breastfeeding. These are my last options. The lactation specialist also reassured me that if they don't work, I have done the best I can and that formula is not
Life is looking SO much better tonight.