A Single Woman's Journey To Motherhood


Location: Washington, United States

I began my TTC journey in January 2005. It finally worked with the 5th IUI and along came Eliana! I started trying for a second (T42) a little over a year later, and was thrilled to get pregnant on the second try this time. Jacob soon joined our family! Not sure if I am done at two, but come along for my journey in motherhood. If you stop by, please leave me a short note! I like to know when I have visitors. :)

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

What happened?

OK you knowledgeable computer people, please help me out. I was happily enjoying my RSS feeds in my outlook, it was updating when people posted to their blog which was keeping me on top of things, and then boom, no more updates, it stopped checking them. What happened and how do I fix it?

Tuesday, July 08, 2008


It's official. Jacob is growing. :) At his 2 month appointment today, he was 10lb13oz, 22 inches long. He is in the 24the percentile for weight and 14th for height..Sigh, why do I keep growing short kids? I am sorry they always seem to inherit my genes..

Monday, July 07, 2008


Please, someone tell me that sometime soon Eliana will start listening and obeying. LOL. It has been three days now that she has not been able to use her free cone from McDonald's coupon that she earned for reading 30 books. Saturday, she ran outside and down the deck stairs on her own after I told her to stay inside (makes me very nervous since exactly one week before she fell down said stairs and PASSED OUT!!). Sunday, she had a gigantic meltdown at Target and refused to wear her shoes so she could walk and screamed her bloody head off when I put her in the cart. And then today, in a parking lot, she runs off and into the parking lot...clearly a no-no as I was telling her so. The saddest part of all is that our next stop was to get her ice cream...and she knew it.

Sigh, I know I have years more of this, just blowing off some steam.

Thursday, July 03, 2008

Heard today at my house...

Eliana, upon sneezing, "I've got a bless you in my nose."

And upon passing gas, "I've got an excuse you in my bum."

Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Where does the time go?

It seems like the weeks before I go back to school are just flying by. We have settled into a pretty decent routine. Having two kids means a lot more crying in my house right now, and likely in the future too LOL, but it also means a lot more cuddle time and it is just wonderful watching Eliana with her little brother. She loves him to pieces.

In just three days (july 5th, Ryan's birthday - Happy birthday! I know you are over on this continent somewhere right now!), Jacob will already be 2 months old. Two months! How did that happen?! He is growing like crazy and I can't wait to go to his 2 month appointment to get the actual stats.

He is finally catching on to breastfeeding...he isn't perfect, but getting soo much better. We can do many feedings of just breastmilk, with probably about 3 bottles added a day right now. And a few of those bottles are now because I don't have the supply, not because he doesn't have the stamina.

He still spits up an awful lot. I switched to Similac Sensitive, and I think he spits up less volume (though probably still just as often) when given a bottle, but he also continues to spit up breastmilk. This could mean he has a lactose sensitivity since the SS is lactose free, but I am not quite ready to give up dairy completely...nor do I know that I actually should.

Sleeping is OK. he still wakes 2-3 times a night on average, but right now that is OK. Once I go back to work will be the real challenge! We are also making some progress with WHERE he sleeps. He had been sleeping in his car seat as that was the only place he would sleep and surprisingly the pediatrician had told me that if he slept best there, then go with it. I never liked the idea much though, so I am thrilled that he will now sleep in the bassinet for a while and tonight, cross your fingers, I laid him down in his crib 40 minutes ago and he is still asleep...could we be so lucky? Granted, i laid him down inside a cosleeper in his crib...and he only has about 2-3 inches to go before he will outgrow the cosleeper, and then what will I do? LOL.

As for me, I am working on getting household stuff done. I am spoiled during the summer because I take Eliana to the sitter's one day a week which gives me time to do some stuff without her around, though Jacob is not always that cooperative. I have gotten much better about getting the dishes done daily, a necessity now with all the bottles. When it was just ELiana and I we could easily get away with just doing them every couple days, often only twice a week. Sleepwise I am doing OK, though again, I suspect I will be hurting once I get back to work.

Well, there is a little update from us for now. Happy belated Canada day to my Canadian readers, and happy early 4th of July to the Amercian ones!