Drama at the library
First, as we were perusing the videos, looking for more Wiggles videos, a child walks up to Eliana and tries to take the Dora video right out of her hands. Eliana squawked (spelling?), I distracted the girl and her mother said something to her in an unknown language. Then, I turn the corner, continuing to search for the Wiggles (which I never found by the way...they were all out), and the girl comes back again. I look at her and see her coming towards Eliana and getting a little too close for my liking and I keep saying no, no, more and more firmly. The mother doesn't even look once. The girl moves away, I turn around to look again and then all of a sudden she is back before I can even bat an eye. This time, she walks right up to Eliana, takes her binky OUT OF HER MOUTH, and runs off. Oh my. If you know my daughter, you know how attached she is to her binky. When Eliana is describing a picture to you, there is mama, and Ellie and binky. It is like her best friend. There were screams and real tears and yes, we got the binky back, but she was so traumatized I heard about it all night long. "I cried mama. The girl took my binky." She even had to tell grandma on the phone!
Yikes! Who knew it would be so dangerous to go to the library?! LOL
By the way, we have entered the reading challenge and while I know we will have no trouble reading 60 books, heck, we could probably do it in one week, if you have any favourite books you would like to recommend for our reading list, please let us know. Eliana loves picture books these days. Her favourites at home right now have been the Little Golden books and the Dr. Seuss books. (her all time favourite this week has been Hunches in Bunches which we took out of the library last week...a Dr. Seuss book I had never before heard of!)