Another concern..
Non-pregnant, my blood sugars are quite stable. Last pregnancy, I eventually needed Metformin, glyburide and two types of insulin. This pregnancy started out quickly with needing to move from just Metformin to Metformin and glyburide..I worry about what's in store...
In any case, I had a very scary experience tonight. Around 5, I had a brownie (I know...not a great idea, but I was really craving one). Then I had supper at 6, spaghetti with meatballs. While eating supper I felt very full and didn't eat as much as I might normally, but it was still a decent amount. I felt very very tired after supper so decided I had better take my blood sugar at 2 hours post eating (I don't always, OB said for now just fasting was OK). It was 58!!!! I have never in my life had a blood sugar so low. I took it again immediately on the other hand in case I did something wrong...still 58.
I panicked. I called the consulting nurse hotline and was on the phone with her for about 30 minutes during which time she had me have a 1/2 cup juice and retake blood sugar about 10 minutes after we started talking, 56!! Then I had another 1/2 cup and retake (about 20 minutes after original) and it was finally going up and was 63. She left me with instructions to have a 1/2 peanut butter sandwich and she will call back in an blood sugar now is 99.
What is going on??? I am really very perplexed...and concerned.