Location: Washington, United States

I began my TTC journey in January 2005. It finally worked with the 5th IUI and along came Eliana! I started trying for a second (T42) a little over a year later, and was thrilled to get pregnant on the second try this time. Jacob soon joined our family! Not sure if I am done at two, but come along for my journey in motherhood. If you stop by, please leave me a short note! I like to know when I have visitors. :)

Friday, July 09, 2004

Can't concentrate!!


I looked forward to my Teaching with Technology class. I thought it sounded interesting and worthwhile. Plus, I had this professor for Ed Psych first quarter at SPU. BUT, I just can't get through the readings. It is so dull. I have to make 5 posts this week on our readings and everytime I sit down to start, I read for like 5 minutes, not really catching everything it says, not really sure I want to, and my mind starts wandering...



Blogger Tin Foiled said...

Here's what I do when I can't concentrate on reading something that I need to read -- put a little tick beside each paragraph as I read it, and underline (or highlight) aggressively. That way, if I find I've drifted off, I can more easily reread the previous paragraphs.

The other thing I like to do is to find something else to do and NEVER do it. It's surprisingly effective, even in the professional world.

July 13, 2004 8:01 AM  
Blogger Tin Foiled said...

I think Ed Psych is an excellent name for a child (if it's a boy). Just so you know.

July 13, 2004 8:02 AM  

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